Run Better With Strength Training
Strength Ali Marty Strength Ali Marty

Run Better With Strength Training

So you want to run a 5k better, faster, stronger… you’re doing all the running and not feeling any better when you run. You want running to feel like less work and have it feel more fun. Adding this type of training will help you run farther, better, faster, stronger. See it’s not just about running… you have to incorporate this, too.

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Decrease Your Chances of Getting Knee Arthritis
Arthritis, Knee Pain Ali Marty Arthritis, Knee Pain Ali Marty

Decrease Your Chances of Getting Knee Arthritis

Many women want to know how to decrease their chances of getting knee arthritis because they see how bad arthritis is in their mother, aunt, friend, you name it. To decrease your chances of getting knee arthritis it takes some focus on 6 elements worked into 1 thought: how S.T.R.E.S’D are your knees? There isn’t one way to decrease your chances of getting knee arthritis. And even if you do get knee arthritis it doesn’t have to be as bad as you’ve seen. In this article you’ll learn the 6 elements to decrease your chances of getting knee arthritis and what to do to keep the pain low or have no pain with knee arthritis.

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Strength Training for 5k Running
5k, Strength Ali Marty 5k, Strength Ali Marty

Strength Training for 5k Running

If you want to run 5k and your breathing feels good but your legs feel like lead it’s not that you’re out of shape, it’s that your muscles are out of shape. Your cardio is excellent, great job! And it’s not that your cardio isn’t important for running, it is, it’s that only focusing on cardio holds you back from optimal performance. See adding in strength training allows your muscles to strengthen so they can keep up with your breathing. There are multiple places to find good strength exercises for runners. It’s important to know if the exercises are the right ones for you, if you’re doing them right, how to modify them, how to advance them and many more, which is why I work with clients individually so they can ask the question and get the answer based on their needs without having to search google or youtube again and they get to focus on the workout.

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Exercises For Ankle Sprain
Strength Ali Marty Strength Ali Marty

Exercises For Ankle Sprain

If you roll your ankle it’s important to strengthen the ankle to prevent a worse ankle sprain in the future. Learn some exercises to do and remember if any of the exercises hurt or you aren’t sure if you’re doing them right get evaluated by your local physical therapist.

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