Navigating Injury Comeback: Conquering WDW Marathon Weekend with Smart Training
Running Injuries Ali Marty Running Injuries Ali Marty

Navigating Injury Comeback: Conquering WDW Marathon Weekend with Smart Training

Shin splints, knee pain, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, IT Band Syndrome – these injuries can derail even the most dedicated runner's journey. But fear not, because this year is all about finishing strong and injury-free. If you're determined to cross the finish line with your head held high, read on to learn how to train effectively and conquer those injuries that have held you back before.

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FAQ Training for a Race After Injury
Running Injuries Ali Marty Running Injuries Ali Marty

FAQ Training for a Race After Injury

Returning to the world of running after an injury is an exciting and empowering endeavor. As you set your sights on conquering your first race post-injury, there's an abundance of questions to address. Which training plan should you choose? Will it help you shed unwanted weight? What is race pace, and how do you determine it? What are tempo runs and progression runs, and how do they fit into your training? Should you incorporate hill workouts? And what about long runs and shorter runs? In this blog post, we'll delve into these frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you select a training plan that aligns with your goals, maximizes your potential, and ensures a safe and effective return to running.

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Balanced Running

Balanced Running

The most effective way to cross the finish line after an injury is balanced running. Have you ever noticed when you ask in a running group what to do to train or run more after an injury without flaring up the injury again you get 50 different answers? It’s not that any of those people are wrong… actually they’re all right, just giving incomplete answers.

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