How Do I Know If I’m Actually Eating Healthy
Diet & Nutrition Ali Marty Diet & Nutrition Ali Marty

How Do I Know If I’m Actually Eating Healthy

What does it mean to eat healthy? Everyone has a slightly or very different meaning for eating healthy. To me eating healthy means having a balanced intake of carbohydrates, fats, proteints, limiting processed foods and replacing with eating and cooking whole foods from fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken, fish and other meats, limiting or eliminating refined sugar, avoiding foods you are allergic or sensitive to and adding supplements only when there has been testing to indicate there is a need due to reduced absorption due to any reason including certain diseases of the body.

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Quick Afternoon Snack to Have Energy to Exercise
Diet & Nutrition Ali Marty Diet & Nutrition Ali Marty

Quick Afternoon Snack to Have Energy to Exercise

An apple for an afternoon snack, although it is healthy, it doesn’t give a balanced snack so you aren’t going to have the energy for that afternoon walk or run. Have your snack be well balanced with protein, fats and carbohydrates to have the energy you need. A good way to change this snack into a better snack is add peanut butter to the apple and mix in some protein powder into the peanut butter.

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Why Your Pills Aren’t Working For Your Knee Pain
Diet & Nutrition Ali Marty Diet & Nutrition Ali Marty

Why Your Pills Aren’t Working For Your Knee Pain

Your pills may not be working for you because you’ve built up a tolerance to them and you need a higher dosage to have the same effect. Maybe you’re taking the wrong pills. If you’re taking acetaminophen, Tylenol or other medications that aren’t anti-inflammatory for an anti-inflammatory effect. The medications you take may address pain but if the underlying root cause is inflammation, those medications are only going to dull the pain. What’s the best thing to do instead? You can be proactive instead of reactive and eat foods and drink beverages that facilitate the anti-inflammatory effect in your body to decrease inflammation without pills at all.

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