Running to the Castle
A podcast for injury-prone runDisney runners on a journey to running magical miles. Join me, Dr. Ali, as I share the secrets I've gathered as a runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and coach. You'll learn the exact ways I get my clients to the castle strong without feeling broken or held together with KT tape as they cross the finish line.
The One Muscle Group to Exercise if You Only Have Time for One
Listen to this episode to learn the group of muscles runners need that will give them
And good alignment when they run
What’s Good Pain and What’s Bad Pain in Running?
In this episode I’m talking about what’s good pain and what’s bad pain in running and how to know when to push through.
Shoes and Fueling for Disney Marathon Training with Knee Problems
In this episode I’m talking about picking the right shoes for your knee problem and fueling right so you don’t bonk on a training run or race day.
Training for the Disney Marathon with Knee Problems
How to set up your training plan to maximize your workouts so you’re ready for runDisney Marathon if you have knee problems. Listen to this episode to learn how to structure your run days and rest days to be ready for the Disney Marathon
How to Manage Knee Pain and Continue Running
In this episode I’m talking about managing new pain that has come on for someone in the past few weeks. The example is she went out for a run Monday and got knee pain, knee felt fine on Tuesday, so she went for a run on Wednesday and the pain came back
How to Train When Your Knee Hurts Too Much to Walk or Run
Learn the steps to take and what to do when your knee hurts too much to walk or run and you’re training for runDisney race.
The Key to Running without Knee Pain
Learn the key things to focus on to actually run without knee pain.
Shoes to Avoid if You Have Inner Knee Pain
Learn about the specific shoes for someone with inner knee pain.
The Best Time to Do Something About Your Knee Pain to Make it Go Away Faster
Learn the best time to and what to do about your runner’s knee pain so it goes away fast
Get Rid of Your Knee Pain with Tactics That Actually Work
Learn 5+ tactics that you can do at home to get rid of knee pain.
Should I Wear a Knee Brace While I Run or Strength Train
Learn if you should be wearing your knee brace when you strength train.
Degenerative vs Acute Meniscus Tears
Learn the difference between degenerative and acute meniscus tears
How Often Can I Run As an Injury-Prone Runner
Learn how often you can run as an injury-prone runner.
How to Pick a Training Plan When You're Injury-Prone
Learn how to pick the best training plan so you don’t flare up your injury when you’re an injury-prone runner.
Do You Need To Break Up Your Strength Workouts Into Arm Day Leg Day and Abs
Learn the best way to structure your strength workouts if you’re an injury-prone runner.
Strength Workouts as an Injured or Injury-Prone Runner
How to adjust your strength workout if you’re injured or prone to injury so you don’t have to rest for a month after a flare up.