Now you can heal your knee AND cross the runDisney finish line.

Real talk: if you're still struggling with knee pain when you run more, even after strengthening your glutes, it's not because you're not meant to run.

It's because you haven't factored in the other parts that go with rehabbing and running.

See strength training is important, but it's not the only thing used to rehab your knee.

The other components include stretching, fueling, shoes and pain modalities. All these components, plus your running, need to balance each other out to run pain and injury free.

Enter Finish Line Academy.

By giving you a rehab and strength building plan, you can ditch the knee pain and cross the finish line.

When you want to cross the finish line without feeling broken you can't keep taking weeks off at a time to rest & heal.

You need to rehab and recover after each run so you can keep training.

Your training needs more mileage and your knee needs to feel better after all those miles.

Finish Line Academy will give you the tools so you can finish your next Disney race.

join the interest list now

Finish line academy

So you cross the finish line at your next Disney race.

Join the interest list for the next round Fall 2024

When you join the interest list you'll get the lowest pricing and best free bonus trainings. You'll be first to be notified when enrollment opens so you get first dibs. Because of the nature of the program, space is limited.

Finish Line Academy Interest list

Join the list today so you can cross the finish line at your next Disney race.

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My Promise:

Finish Line Academy will teach you everything you need to do to rehab your knee and continue to run so you cross the finish line at your next Disney race.

What clients are saying about working with dr. ali…

in case you’re new, let me introduce myself

Hey, how’s it goin?

I’m Dr. Ali.

Doctor of Physical Therapy. Personal Trainer. Nutrition Coach.

When I’m not reading Harry Potter, at Disney (or wishing I was), hanging with my dog & husband, or crocheting amigurumi, I’m helping runners train for their next runDisney race to cross the finish line healthy, strong and confident.

As a coach with 10+ years in the rehab space, I’m an expert in running injuries and have taken my clients all the way from barely able to run a few minutes because of an injury to being happy, motivated and running magical races.

I’m not the kind of coach that just tells you to rest and ease back into running. I’m all about balancing recovery with running.

I’ve been in the rehab space for 10+ years and been running for 15+ years. I’ve run a few half marathons with friends and family and I was introduced to runDisney a few years back. I feel like runDisney is a nice combo of all things Disney plus race training without feeling out of place for being “slow.” 

I’ve always been injury averse, always figuring out when to stretch or what to do after soccer camp to not be sore the next day. Plus with my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, personal training and nutrition certifications I got to do a deep dive into how to help my clients train without excessive soreness or injury.

Through the years I’ve noticed a trend that many healthcare professionals were telling runners to stop running completely when they were injured, or even telling them to not run long distances and my patients followed this advice but their pain didn’t go away… it actually got worse!

That’s when I knew stopping running wasn’t the answer and I set out to find a way to balance running with recovery. Now, I’m here to help you get results like so many other runDisney runners with knee problems and get you across the finish line.

You deserve to cross the finish line at Disney without feeling broken.

Where runDisney runners come to rehab their knee injury.

join the interest list now

Finish line academy

So you cross the finish line at your next Disney race.

Join the interest list for the next round Fall 2024

When you join the interest list you'll get the lowest pricing and best free bonus trainings. You'll be first to be notified when enrollment opens so you get first dibs. Because of the nature of the program, space is limited.

Finish Line Academy Interest list

Join the list today so you can cross the finish line at your next Disney race.

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Dr. Ali is the rundisneyDPT, a coach for injury prone runners running Disney races.


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