How to know what’s causing your running injury

You’re wondering why you keep getting injured when you run and what’s causing it. In this blog post I’m answering a question from social media and giving the run down of questions to ask when wondering what’s causing the injury?

In this article:

  1. Jump to Video

  2. What causes running injuries?

  3. Recommendations to avoid running injuries

This week’s question: I get injured pretty easily, IT Band. I ran 9 miles in 2 days, after not running after 5 days… it’s weird I’m as injured as I am… pointers to avoid getting injured?

The way I look at these questions to dive into what’s keeping you injured…

  1. Look at the whole picture

  2. What kind of strength exercises are you doing?

  3. What cross training are you doing?

  4. What distance are you running? And how often?

  5. What did the past month of running look like?

  6. What does your program of increasing running look like?

  7. How long has the injury been going on?

  8. What are you doing before running as a warm up?

  9. What are you doing after running as a cool down?

  10. When does the pain happen? Immediately? After a certain amount of running? After running?

  11. What kind of recovery techniques are you doing?

  12. What’s your pace?

A few recommendations to avoid running injuries:

  1. Active rest, not complete rest

  2. Ease back into running after taking rest. Like running the distance you know that doesn’t flare up your symptoms. Or do the Living Room Test if you don’t know the distance.

  3. Follow the 10% rule every week

  4. Every 5th week pull back on your mileage

  5. Do proper warm up

  6. Do proper cool down

  7. Stretch daily

  8. Do strength exercises 2-3x/week

  9. Find the recovery techniques that work for you to decrease soreness

  10. Fuel your body to have energy to run-walk and build up your muscles

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Ali Marty

Hi! I’m Ali. I’ve been in the health and wellness space since graduating with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2012. I worked in the typical outpatient clinic with active men and women with orthopedic injuries (shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, muscle and ligament tears, knee pain, IT Band pain, plantar fasciitis, and hip and knee arthritis until 2018 at which point I started Mobile Physical Therapy in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the past few years I’ve transitioned to helping women running runDisney races after they’ve had an injury and they want to finish strong and enjoy the rest of their runcation.

Navigating Injury Comeback: Conquering WDW Marathon Weekend with Smart Training


Do this if you’re running and injured